This last week I went to EFY Provo!!! It was the best experience this past 4 years! I have never felt the spirit the way I did there. I meet my room mate Nicole and we hung out the whole time. I felt like I knew where my whole life, and I felt like i lived there. It was crazy! Also i meet someone named Cody. I am so glad that i had the chance to meet you and i wish that we would be able to hang out like that all the time. Me not knowing people when i arrived was kinda strange but when Cody asked to escort me we had the most amazing conversation about how he felt about life and the church. I am glad i was able to help him in a way that also helped me. I hope i can go every year. I made so many new friends and had the most fun in along time! We had a group of our friends which we called Duke and the group. We made inside jokes that were the most random. And just had plain old fun!
Thanks Cody, I am so glad we meet. I hope that you can fullfill your goals.