Saturday, July 19, 2008

EFY 08 :)

This last week I went to EFY Provo!!! It was the best experience this past 4 years! I have never felt the spirit the way I did there. I meet my room mate Nicole and we hung out the whole time. I felt like I knew where my whole life, and I felt like i lived there. It was crazy! Also i meet someone named Cody. I am so glad that i had the chance to meet you and i wish that we would be able to hang out like that all the time. Me not knowing people when i arrived was kinda strange but when Cody asked to escort me we had the most amazing conversation about how he felt about life and the church. I am glad i was able to help him in a way that also helped me. I hope i can go every year. I made so many new friends and had the most fun in along time! We had a group of our friends which we called Duke and the group. We made inside jokes that were the most random. And just had plain old fun!

Thanks Cody, I am so glad we meet. I hope that you can fullfill your goals.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Camping in Fort Bragg 08

This year for camping with the family and some friends we went to Fort Bragg. I invited Julia to come and Madison was there too. We had a blast! We were there for a week and in that week we went shopping, Ashley and Zach came, and we visited many beaches. Julia, Madison
and I took awesome pictures and were just plain crazy. It was a lot of fun and wish that i could have all of my friends come.

4th of July in Utah

Mariah and I have been in Utah since the 30th of June. We came to stay with Ashley and Zach for about a month. Its been fun so far! We had the 4th here and we watched the neighborhood people set off their own firworks. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!! Well Utah is gonna get better once we go to like Lagoon and meet people from efy. I am so excited for EFY!